Sunday, December 12, 2010

Pretty as a Picton

Picton is a very busy place with lots of people passing through but very few staying.  It is the main port of Queens Charlotte Sound and receives constant ferry traffic from the North Island.  The town has lots of short term accommodation units and a main street full of eateries.  It is neatly kept and the locals have managed to keep the feel and charm of the sleepy fishing port it once was.

The inter-island ferries run all day and are entertaining to watch as these leviathans of the sea cruse up the sound and then dance and jostle their way into the large docking terminals in the wharf complex.

A National Park walk commences at the marina and follows the cliffs around to a secluded beach in an idillic bay on the sound.  Idillic that is until a ferry passes by, when it is suddenly not so secluded anymore.  

No topless bathing here!


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