Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Padua 1998

17.7.98 - Drove all day and got into a little town called Padova.  Very old and depressing town.  Found it difficult to find a motel as they all looked run down.  Found a 2 star, fairly old, but the shower dripped - just like camping.  Booked in for 2 nights at Padova.  We walked for a long time before we found a restaurant. Got there just in time before the crowd arrived at 7.30.  In Italy they all start to come out at around this time.  Got to bed about 10.30 - Venice tomorrow.

Day 22 - Today we drove to Padua which is a town in Italy near Venice.  On the way we stopped at this big eating place where we ate breakfast.  Then we went to a bank and exchanged our money into Italian Lire.  One Australian dollar equals 1000 Lire.  Then we got our room and walked around for a while and had tea at an outdoor restaurant.  I had and Italian pasta and Josh had a pizza it was really nice. Then we looked at some more shops and saw some street bums cleaning and washing feet and teeth in a water fountain.

Service station on Italian Border
Day 22 - Today we left really early and started to drive across the border of Italy.  We stopped a a little service station and we had something to eat and drink.  Then we while we were driving again we drew some pictures in our sketch books.  When we got to a bank on the way we exchanged our money and I got 149000 Lire because here you take three zeros off and it will be 149 dollars, so it is easy to work out your money.  When we crossed the border of Italy we saw lots of army trucks.  We found a hotel next to a road and the railway but it wasn't very noisy. 

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