Sunday, January 30, 2011

Kioni Ithaca 1998

Christian 10.8.98
Day 46 - Today we drove to Kioni.  We were looking around for somewhere to eat.  We went up a hill with a road two metres wide.  We came to a combi van which didn't have reverse so we had to reverse down so he could get past.  After we ate at a restaurant we went to the beach and saw lots of nice fish.
Day 47 - Today we had a lazy day, we went to the beach and did some snorkelling.  In the afternoon we started building a tree house.  We also got our motor bike which was stored in a shed down the road.  It's a really new bike.from way back in the fifties.  Next to the shed are two goats, one of them is pregnant.  Josh and dad went for a ride on the postie.
Day 48 - Today Josh and I built onto the tree house again.  We did that for most of the day.  The temperature in southern Europe is going through a heat wave, 70 people died in Patras which is where we left from to come to Ithaca.  Tonight we went out with some friends of my Grandma.

Day 46 - Today we went to Kioni, we parked and went to a little restaurant for lunch.  Then we went up to the monastery and Christian and I played with the goats.  We came home and went to the beach and saw lots of nice fish.
Day 47 - Today went to the beach in the afternoon and we got the scooter out of the shed and we started a cubby house.  Dad and I rode the motor bike we went up to a town called Kolieri where my Grandfather was born and we also went to Kallamo.
Day 48 - Today we had a lazy day, we built onto the cubby house and in the afternoon we went to the beach and then we went to tea with some friend.

Kallamo Ithaca 1998

Christian 9.8.98
Day 45 - Today we went up to one of our relatives who builds statues and owns a museum. His name is Stathy and his wife's name is Kay.  We sat down and talked, Stathy told about what he has done in his life.  We went to a town called Kallamo and I checked out an abandoned home with mum while dad and josh went down goats tracks which lead all over the island.  For tea Stathy invited us to Frikes and we found out that almost everyone on the island is related to us.

Day 45 - Today we watched a bit of TV and Kay came and invited us to go to her place, so we did and they were really nice.  We sat down and had a talk and Stathy went on for ages about his life and he has two books that he showed us.  Then we walked to Kallamo and dad and I went down an old path while mum and Christian checked out a house.  Stathy invited us out for tea at Frikes and he owns a little cafe that we had tea at.  The food was really nice I had a fish and Christian had a stuffed tomato.


Sunday, January 23, 2011

Vathi Ithaca 1998

Christian 6.8.98
Day 42 - Today we drove to Vathi to do some shopping. While we were there I bought a hand held fishing net for $2.50.  We also bought fruit and meat and some other stuff. Then we drove around looking for somewhere to eat.  We found a waterfront cafe and had lunch.  After that Josh and I went over to the water and saw millions of fish there.  There were so many that it was like a traffic jam of fish.
Day 43 - Today we had a lazy day.  We got up really late and didn't have breakfast until 11 o'clock.  After breakfast we all went to the beach because it was 40 degrees Celsius outside.  For tea we had spaghetti.
Day 44 - We went to Vathi to buy some ship 
tickets back to Italy.  Then I found a cafe and we had the best burgers (apart from McDonalds), They are the best we have had so far on this trip.  In the afternoon we used our net at the beach and saw heaps of little fish but didn't catch one.  When we finished we hadn't caught anything except I caught a Sea Urchin.

Day 42 - Today we drove to Vathi and went shopping and went a supermarket, and it stunk when mum was shopping.  We found a cafe on the waterfront and when we looked over the edge we saw lots of fish.  When we chucked bread in they all came to eat it.  
Day 44 - We drove to Vathi and bought the boat ticket because we had to get a boat cabin early.  Then we had something to eat at a coffee shop.  Christian had a burger and we shared stuff too. Then we went swimming and used our net but you need flippers.  Dad and I went snorkelling and saw lots of fish and we we came back Christian had caught a Sea Urchin.

Ithaca 1998

Christian 5.8.98
Arriving at Vathi
Day 40 - Today we went to the airport at 5 in the morning to go to Athens.  When we got to Athens we met my Great Grandma and stayed at the same hotel as before.  We went up to the pool for the afternoon. 
Day 41 - We caught a ship at 12.30 from Patras to Ithaca.  On the ship there are games that were all broken and pretty dumb.  we're going to go to two islands because people are getting off at the first island called Kefalonia.  Then we went to Ithaca to stay in our house.  Ithaca is very stoney and there are four very small and very close to each other villages.  There is an old saying that says; "when god made the world he threw all the stones on Ithaca", thats how rocky it is.

Day 40 - We went to the airport really early in the morning and we went to Athens on a jet, just as I tried to sleep we landed.  When we got to Athens we had to get a new battery for the car and we went and got our Great Grandma.  For tea we had fish and salad on the beach.

Church at Stavro
Cafe at Stavro
Day 41 - Today we drove to Patras and on the way we stopped at McDonalds and had something to eat.  When we got to the boat we went on an escalator to the seats and it had games but they weren't really good.  The seats were nice.  On the way to Patras we went to the Corinth Canal.  The boat was air-conditioned but everybody was sweating.  We came to the port of Vathi, we got off and drove to Platrithias.  We went to our villa and on the way we stopped at Stavro and bought some food.